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5 Vegan Foods To Fight Skin Problems

By | May 22nd, 2015 | Modified - July 19th, 2016
5 Vegan Foods To Fight Skin Problems
5 Vegan Foods To Fight Skin Problems

As the temperatures soar and your trench coats go back in, it’s not just your stunning summer dresses that will see the light of the day. It’s also your delicate skin that will get exposed to the sharp rays of the sun after a long, dark, chilly winter. While you sure love basking in the sun for hours together in the hope of getting that perfect tan, you might see serious repercussions of the harmful UV rays, the pollution and dust on your skin. Result? Acne, rashes, dark spots, premature aging and a number of other skin conditions that will drain out all the enthusiasm you had for the lovely season. Before you run to that beauty store looking for help, turn to your pantry and embrace the goodness of these healthy and natural skin doctors. Here are five vegan foods that can help you fight skin problems:

1. Tomatoes – The delicious flavor that these juicy vegetables add to any recipe make them a favorite amongst many culinary enthusiasts. Did you know, however, that this delightful veggie offers numerous skin healing and protective benefits too? Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that contains both, the properties of an antioxidant and a natural sunscreen. It helps the body fight oxidative damage thereby preventing early signs of skin aging, cardiovascular diseases, macular degeneration, and cancer. It also provides UV protection to the skin, thus helping prevent sunburn and wrinkling, suggests an article[1] published on Newcastle University’s website.

2. Carrots – Searching for a healthy snack in the fridge to curb your hunger? Grab that carrot and watch your skin emanate a delightful glow! Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a form of provitamin A. Beta-carotene helps protect the skin from UV damage if consumed for a long period, reports[2] the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. It also helps improve skin tone and texture. The topical application of beta-carotene is effective in treating melasma, a skin condition associated with patchy skin discoloration. The Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology reported these findings.[3]

3. Peppers – Instead of spending money on expensive beauty treatments, spend some time picking out these delicious antioxidant-rich veggies at the supermarket! Red, orange and yellow bell peppers not only help add color and flavor to your food, but they also add radiance and youthfulness to your skin! Bell peppers are rich in vitamins A and C, both of which offer excellent skin benefits. Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen,[4] a structural protein that makes the skin firmer and reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin C also treats skin infections and heals scars. Retinol[5] is a derivative of vitamin A that reduces signs of wrinkles, dark spots and improves skin appearance. What’s even better is that bell peppers are rich in fiber that helps you manage your weight!

4. Citrus Fruits – Fruits like lemon and orange don’t just help add zing to your plate. They also help keep your skin in great shape! Citrus fruits are rich in skin-friendly vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights inflammation and premature aging of the skin[6] caused by photodamage. Citrus fruits like grapefruit also contain small amounts of vitamin E that keeps your skin moisturized. When applied topically, lemon helps cure acne too, owing to its acidic properties!

5. Sesame, Flax And Chia Seeds – The next time you’re preparing a smoothie or salad for yourself, don’t forget to sprinkle these nutritive seeds on top! Sesame, Flax, and chia seeds contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids have moisturizing properties that help prevent your skin from getting parched and aging quickly. Their anti-inflammatory effect helps prevent and heal common skin problems like itchiness, rashes, swelling, as well as skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. These seeds also contain zinc, a mineral that helps reduce the overactivity of the sebaceous glands, thus preventing acne.[7] The anti-inflammatory properties of zinc help heal acne scars, making your skin clear and supple.

In addition to indulging in these divine food choices, try and cook your foods in olive and safflower oil, both of which are known to improve skin health! In case you have a sweet craving, opt for a piece of flavonoid-rich dark chocolate over sugar-laden pastries and candies that can play havoc with your skin! Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins from your body and improve the glow on your skin! Always remember that your quest for achieving good skin starts with your diet!

NLE Notes:
  • Carrots are not part of the nutritional guide NLE promotes to support healthy living. Carrots are a high starch and hybrid food.
  • Safflower oil is not part of the nutritional guide because it is high in omega-6 fatty acids and promotes inflammation.

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