Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Daily Toxin Intake: Just How Many Toxins Are You Accumulating?

By | December 31st, 2013 | Modified - December 4th, 2014

Daily Toxin Intake: Just How Many Toxins Are You Accumulating?
Daily Toxin Intake: Just How Many Toxins Are You Accumulating?

There are chemicals in our food, our water, the air we breathe, the clothing we wear, the carpet we walk on, and the plastics that surround us.

In all honesty, the term “chemical” could apply to nearly any compound, but we aren’t talking about the benign harmless ones. Instead, we are talking about the toxins that we come in contact with and absorb each and every day.

But just how much toxic exposure do really endure daily?

A new infographic called the Chemical Ape  discussed just some of these chemicals and the impact they have.

The United States in all its twisted glory is likely the most toxic with an estimated 70,000 such chemicals in commercial use, many of which are untested on humans so we don’t even know the effects.

Modest estimates have suggested that we are exposed to more than 700,000 different toxic chemicals on a daily basis, and this doesn’t include the crazy poisons that GMO companies are pumping into the food supply.

According to GlobalHealingCenter, it isn’t abnormal to be exposed to 2,100,000 toxins each and every day.

Read: 7 Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body

Even research from the University of California shows how the average person is being exposed to cancerous levels of toxins like arsenic, dioxins, and DDE.

These toxins aren’t only made available to our body, organs, blood, and cells when we eat and drink them, but also when we breathe them or simply come in contact with them. “10 seconds of touching a receipt, or quickly crumpling the paper up, releases obesogens into your body.

Enough receipts and you’re much likelier to be fat.” While not touching receipts is an extreme idea for weight loss (not to mention you’d likely have to touch a lot of receipts to make you fat), it’s good to know that these contaminants are everywhere, and in many cases, unavoidable…

Article sourced from Natural Society. Read the full article here:


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