Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Treatment For Acid Reflux

By | June 15th, 2016 | Modified - June 13th, 2016

Cases of acid reflux are prevalent in societies whose diets are not centered on the consumption of plants. A major reason for acid reflux is the development of a hiatus hernia.

People who consume diets lacking the consumption of plant food of also lack fiber consumption. The consumption of fiber helps develop stool that is longer and shorter, and the stool is easier to pass from the body.

Diets high in animal protein and fat produce shorter and harder stool that is difficult to pass out of the body. Straining to pass short and hard stool causes the abdominals to strain excessively, which pushes the stomach upward into the opening of the diaphragm.

This also pushes the stomach up into the esophagus and the valve that keeps acid in the stomach and out of he esophagus can’t close properly.

The real way to treat acid reflux would be to consume diets high in plant food and fiber to stop the straining that pushes the stomach into the esophagus.

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