Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet


Vaccines don’t kill disease though. Instead they only help stimulate the body’s immune systems to increase the production of antibodies. Instead stimulate…

Protect Against Vaccines With A Strong Immune System

Robert Kennedy Jr. - Vaccines Target Black Boys With Autism

To be clear, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explicitly expressed that he is pro vaccine, but he also expressed that a corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

Robert Kennedy Jr. – Vaccines Target Black Boys With Autism

What Are Vaccines And How Do They Work?

Vaccines are made to boost the immune system against a particular virus or toxin. Vaccines usually consist of the virus/toxin being targeted, or the…

What Are Vaccines And How Do They Work?

Nichole Rolfe Sues Baker College For Being Forced To Lie To Patients About Vaccinations

Nichole Rolfe recently filed the lawsuit in Flint Michigan against Baker College claiming she and other students were instructed to threaten patients into…

Nichole Rolfe Sues Baker College For Being Forced To Lie To Patients About Vaccinations

Two United Nations organizations, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, have been accused of purposely causing Kenyan women to have miscarriages…

Are United Nations Organization’s Tetanus Vaccines Causing African Women To Have Miscarriages?

The Top 6 Reasons Why Parents Are Choosing Not To Vaccinate Their Kids

More and more parents around the globe are choosing to opt out of vaccinating themselves and their children. As a result of this trend that’s been gaining…

The Top 6 Reasons Why Parents Are Choosing Not To Vaccinate Their Kids

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