Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Vegan Diet

Best Vegan Foods

The best vegan foods are non-hybrid alkaline whole plant foods. When it comes to supporting health eating mostly raw non-hybrid alkaline whole plant foods…

Best Vegan Foods

Mya Embraces Veganism And A Vegan Diet And Does It Beautifully

Mya has embraced veganism and not only avoids eating animal-based foods, but she also avoids using products made from animals…

Mya Embraces Veganism And A Vegan Diet And Does It Beautifully

Vegan Vegetarian - What Is The Difference?

Vegan and vegetarian sound like they should be the same thing but they are not. A far as just the diet is concerned a vegan is a person how does does consume any products derived…

Vegan Vegetarian – What Is The Difference?

List Of Vegan Foods

This list of vegan foods is based on the consumption of eating health supporting whole vegan foods. All vegan foods are not healthy because some are made from processed foods…

List Of Vegan Foods

Going Vegan For A Month Turned Out To Be Extremely Beneficial

Going vegan for a month has turned into being vegan for over 4 years now, and it has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. You may be switching to a vegan diet…

Going Vegan For A Month Turned Out To Be Extremely Beneficial

Find Your Vegan Protein Sources Here

People have been lied to that animal protein is better than vegan protein. Animal protein leads you to the grave faster because it supports the proliferation…

Vegan Protein

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