Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Alkaline Diet Food List

By | June 11th, 2016 | Modified - June 20th, 2016

An alkaline diet food list is necessary to know what the best foods are to support the health of the body. Alkaline plant foods alkalize the body and promote health while meat, dairy, and processed foods acidify the body and promote illness.

The body works to maintain a pH level of 7.4 in the blood and if it drops below that level this results in metabolic acidosis and death.

Before the body allows for death to set in it will borrow calcium, which is an alkaline mineral, from bones to put in the bloodstream to stabilize its pH.

This happens when we consume acidic diets instead of alkaline diets, where acidic diets will introduce too much acidic compounds into the body and not enough alkaline compounds.

Consuming to much acidic food can results in osteoporosis, a compromised immune system, acid reflux, candida overgrowth, and many other symptoms.

Alkaline foods like, amaranth grains, amaranth leaves, kale, walnuts, bananas, apples, and zucchini alkalize the body and support the immune system.

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Alklaine Plant Based Diet
Alklaine Plant Based Diet

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