Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Dr. Greger

Dr. Greger On Why What We Eat Is Important

Dr. Greger On The Importance Of Nutrition and Nutrition Education…

Dr. Greger On Why What We Eat Is Important

Senate Bill No. 380 Gutted That Would Have Required Sufficient Nutrition Training For Doctors

John McDougall authored Senate Bill No. 380 that would have required doctors to have sufficient training in nutrition. Dr. McDougall clearly made the case…

Senate Bill No. 380 Gutted That Would Have Required Sufficient Nutrition Training For Doctors

If short-term vitamin supplement can be used to protects one’s health I am for it. Vitamin C was used in the 1970’s in the U.S. to fight cancer and the results…

Vitamin C Use Inconclusive As To Whether It Fights Cancer?

It is unethical for doctor’s to accept gifts from pharmaceutical companies. Drug companies spend on average $15,000 on gifts, dinner, travel, and other perks per physician…

Find Out If Your Doctor Is Being Paid By Drug Companies To Prescribe Their Drugs

A good rule of thumb is the ingredients in your food or on your food label should state “whole” and should contain 1 gram of fiber to every gram of carbohydrate…

5 to 1 Rule Guide To Know If Your Food Contains Enough Fiber

China is one of the world’s biggest exporters of tea. Regular tea, which includes white tea, green tree, black tea, and oolong tea is made from the leaves of…

Beware of Lead Contamination of Tea Leaves

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