Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

List Of Alkaline Foods

By | June 10th, 2016 | Modified - June 20th, 2016

The consumption of alkaline foods is vitally important in maintaining and supporting the health of the body. The body works diligently to maintain a 7.4 pH in the blood and dropping below this pH results in acidosis and death.

The body will leach the alkaline calcium mineral from bones to place in the blood to maintain a 7.4 pH. The results of compensating for an acidic body can result in symptoms including osteoporosis, low energy, acid reflux, anxiety and candida overgrowth.

Alkaline plant foods naturally supply the body with a ratio of nutrients that alkalize the blood and support homeostasis.

Plant foods that alkalize the blood and support health include avocados, bell peppers, chayote, cucumbers, apples, burro bananas, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.

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Alklaine Plant Based Diet
Alklaine Plant Based Diet

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