Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Long Journey Home For Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are mysterious creatures because of their ability to fly from Canada and northern America to Mexico, hibernate for the winter, and then in the spring return home.

They can do this without ever traveling to their wintering grounds in Mexico or to their homes in Canada or northern America.

The journey can be a 3000 mile trip and the distance and the time it takes to make the trip takes so long that it takes several generations of monarch butterflies to make the trip.

None of the generations have every been to the destination before, and it is amazing the millions of these butterflies are able to navigate to their destination every year.

Millions of monarch butterflies make this amazing journey every year in what is one of nature’s most spectacular sights in the world.

Unfortunately the number of monarchs has been dwindling every year for the last 15 year due herbicides used to protect GMO crops like corn and soybean destroying the monarch caterpillars natural feeding and breading grounds.

Monarch caterpillars naturally feed on milkweed which are being destroyed by the herbicides.

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