Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Monarch Butterfly Song For The Amazing Monarch

There is a great fascination with the monarch butterfly which led to the making of the monarch butterfly song.

The fascination with monarch butterflies is understandable because they are beautiful gentle creatures and their task in life is an amazing one.

Every year millions upon millions of monarch butterflies travel up to 3000 miles from Canada or from various areas in northern America to their wintering grounds in the forests of Mexico.

It is amazing that these fragile insects are able to make this yearly exhaustive trip and overcome environmental many obstacles.

They are able to make the trip back and forth from Canada, America, and Mexico without ever having been to their destination before.

The long and grueling trip takes several generations of butterflies to complete. Along the way the butterflies stop, mate, and reproduce, and the next generation of butterflies them picks up the trip.

This is all done while navigating to a place they have never been.

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