Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Thieves Are Using “Mystery Gadgets” To Electronically Unlock Cars And Steal What Is Inside

By | January 1st, 2014 | Modified - April 19th, 2015
Thieves Are Using Mystery Gadgets To Electronically Unlock Cars And Steal What Is Inside
Thieves Are Using Mystery Gadgets To Electronically Unlock Cars And Steal What Is Inside

Be aware of the “mystery gadget” that allows car thieves to electronically open your car door and steal the contents of your car. these gadgets are able to act like your electronic smart car and disable your car alarm and open its doors.

Car manufacturers say they are stumped as to how this device is able to act as they car’s electronic key. You know claims at first were probably being dismissed by car manufacturers because they wouldn’t want the public to know they were using an unsecured product.

It was not until the stories started building and luckily some of the thefts were caught in video that the situation had to be taken seriously. In this video taken in Long Beach, California, a man walked up to the car and used the small mystery box to open it. Another man did the same thing tot he park car next to him. also using a box.

It appears in theses incidents across the states, the thieves have been using the mystery box to gain quick access to the vehicles to swipe valuables left in them. It is best to take your valuables with you because apparently vehicles that are opened by smart electronic keys are not secure.

In Chicago, it was the exact same scenario. A man by a sedan unlocked it without a key. The alarm was disabled by some mystery device.

A case of the mystery box entry had been reported in New Jersey and police in Galloway Township are looking for the thieves using the mystery boxes break into cars on 30 different occasions. CN described the incidents:

“These thieves are using some sort of RF [radio frequency] device, which is sending an electronic signal toward the vehicles, unlocking the vehicle and disabling the alarm as well, allowing the thieves to enter the vehicle and remove valuables without being detected,” said Detective Ryan Goehringer.

ABC News reported that researchers have found that hacking into onboard car computers is not difficult to do.

…two researchers recently hacked the onboard computers of a Toyota Prius and a Ford Escape SUV. They were able to remotely make the Prius accelerate and brake, as well as jerk the wheel while traveling at high speeds. They managed to turn the Ford’s steering wheel at low speeds and disable the brakes, which caused researcher Charlie Miller to drive the SUV into his garage and totally destroy his own lawnmower.

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About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the books Alkaline Herbal Medicine, Alkaline Plant Based Diet and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to an alkaline vegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

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